Tuesday 6 December 2011

"The Queen of Fruits"

For this blog entry, I've decided to write an entry that involves my interest in school and why I've decided to pursue my education in the faculty of ALES Majoring in Food and Nutrition.
If you've been following my blog, you will notice i have future hopes of working with a super-fruit in the future. It all really started in my first year studying a super-fruit called Mangosteen.

mmmm looks delicious

The Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is considered one of the four most delicious and fastest emerging super fruit in the world. Its been crowned the “Queen of Fruits” by Queen Victoria for its vibrant colors’ and unique flavour. It’s first believed to originate in Southeast Asia precisely from the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia and Malaysia. Only a few wild trees remain in Southeast Asia, but the popularity of the ever-growing discovery has invited many individuals and local businesses to harvest them on the Asian grounds. Outside of these Asian islands, it is considered an exotic fruit and until recently, its been shown up in American markets.

What really attract people to this fruit are its potential health benefits on top of its delicate taste and attractive colors’. Located inside the dark purple fruit are rich bioactive secondary metabolites including anthocynanins, oligomeric proanthocyanins and xanthones. Its ability to relieve diarrhea, fevers, urine disorders, and skin disorders like eczema attracts the American medical and cosmetic media. Not just the fruit, but also the bark and leaves are able to introduce some health benefits for individuals.

Anti-oxidant qualities, skin-rejuvenation powers, and protecting against cancerous cells inspire fruit scientists to explore this fascinating product. With appropriate amount of research and study on this superfruit, I am almost guaranteed this fruit will be a huge success across the whole world. Its' given the name “Queen of Fruits” for a reason, right?

If any of guys ever get a chance to ever try this fruit, i highly recommend it ; its sooo gooood. 

So as you can see, i am really fascinated about this fruit and it is really my driving point in pursuing this degree in Food and Nutrition. I hope you guys enjoyed my article and continue to follow along on my journey of blogging!

Oh yes, don't forget to check out my fellow classmates blog, "the Healthy Caroline". She is pursing the same degree as me but with a minor in Human Ecology. She adds a little personality to her blogs so I'm sure most of you guys will really enjoy her blogging!

[1] – Pascua, O. C. and Loquias, V. L. “Mangosteen Production
Technology.” Ed. Maghirang, R. August 2006 <http://hvcc.da.gov.ph/pdf/mangosteen_prodn.pdf>. [2] - International Centre for Underutilized Crop.Fruits For the Future: Mangosteen” March 2003. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southampton <http://www.icuc-iwmi.org/files/News/Resources/Factsheets/Garcinia.pdf>
[3] - Palapol, Y., et al. "Colour Development and Quality of Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L.) Fruit during Ripening and After Harvest." Postharvest Biology and Technology 51.3 (2009): 349-53.


  1. Super Fruit Eh? Sounds pretty cool!

  2. Wow, that is a cool looking fruit! Where did you try one before? I am intrigued!

    I mentioned your blog post on my blog. Check it out at

  3. Wow that is pretty cool, I definitely want to try this fruit.... and maybe it's bark too!!

  4. Mangosteen, yeah, I know it. My father worked in Yangzhou several years ago and he brought mangosteen for me. This fruit is so sweet and nice. What a pity, it doesn't grow in northern China!

  5. Never heard of the fruit but from what your saying and the picture I'd sure like to try some! Cool colours for your blog.

  6. strawberries taste like heaven too

  7. I really like your saying" The Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is considered one of the four most delicious and fastest emerging super fruit in the world. Its been crowned the “Queen of Fruits” by Queen Victoria for its vibrant colors’ and unique flavour." I like that too! i also like your statement that "Anti-oxidant qualities, skin-rejuvenation powers, and protecting against cancerous cells inspire fruit scientists to explore this fascinating product." we live in a world which more pollutants are released everyday. To eat fruit which is the gift given from God. We gain benefits of protecting ourselves and solving some health concerns.

  8. The Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is my favorite fruits. It is so sweet and cute. After reading your post, I know more things about this fruit.
